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Privacy Policy

tl;dr - We do not share your personal data and only store the very essential.

We here at Nightlands take your privacy very seriously. We know a lot of companies and services say this, but we actually mean it. That's why we are as transparent as possible about when and how we use your personal data. We also tried to make this privacy policy as readable as possible, because who reads those lengthy policies full of big words before pressing "I agree" anyway?

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, or if you'd like to have a copy of your personal data, have your personal data removed or other GDPR/data law stuff, please contact us at and you'll get in contact with an actual human being who will get that sorted for you.

The Actual Privacy Policy

We try to collect as little as possible personal data from you. All of the data we do collect, is to make our game work as best as possible. We don't make money from ads (in fact, we don't make any money at all), so you don't have to worry about your data being collected to serve you the "most personal" ads or whatever. We also don't sell your data, ever. People selling other people's data are bad. We try not to be bad.

What personal data do we collect?

  • Your email, or the unique random Apple email if you signed up with Apple and used the 'Hide My Email' functionality.
  • A 'user ID token' issued by Google, only if you signed up with Google.
  • A 'user identifier' issued by Apple, only if you signed up with Apple.

Third party services we use